June 11,2011 Art Walk Overview

Hey friends back on the blog of things here in Miami. The sky looked like it was going to pour, but it then cleared up and was fantastic. I passed by The Dorsh gallery and took in what was to me a visual sound instillation. If you haven’t seen it you should.
I made new friends and met up with old ones. I was even informed of a dance choreography number that is coming in October by two friends. I later left and ran into Kerry McKinney who is a resident of the area and good friend and walked over to Krelware where we enjoyed a sample of some Superb champagne. We sat and spoke of our desires to go to the religious soul search at Burning Man. Krel is an awesome person to speak to, full of energy and emotion. We said our farewells and were again on the art bounce. Kerry and I entered Yo HEART symbol 305, which was filled with detailed art pieces. Tony and Maite from Pocket of Lollipops were there with some art students doing it up.
We got moving once again and ended up at food truck central. A ping pong table was set up by a new friend named Chalk. He is planning on opening up a ping pong / pool Bar. I was introduced to Shaun Drake and his wife who i am facebook friends with but never met physically. I later strolled off on my own when I met up with Otto, Monica, Liz, David, Lindsey, Sam and more. We were on a mission to eat pinchos. Chicken or beef skewers. They were absolutely mouth watering delicious. We ate, walked towards Butter Gallery and we were joined by Tim and Alex. We went to a couple galleries and ended up back at Ottos place where we hung out till it was time for me to hit the stage at The Awarehouse. I had a super duper set as did everyone else who played and landed in bed by 4am or something like that. Overall, I would say just another day in the life of Mr.Feathers and Friends.